Monday, March 22, 2010

Slow down...

Life has a way of getting in the way...  Getting in the way of my spiritual walk with God, and my relationships with loved ones.  I have been so concerned about my future lately that my thoughts wander in circles in the back of my head.  I'm so interested in everything and I wish that I could go to college to major in everything.  My first priority is living life the way that God intends for me.  I want to do a lot of things, go a lot of places, meet a lot of people.  But is this what God wants for me?   

Coincidentally, a number of important people in my life have been called home to Heaven over the past year.  When these  people were still active in my life, I never stopped to notice how much of an influence they had on my life. Even now, parts of their lives linger with me and walk me through certain situations.  The death of each person has taught me to slow down and enjoy the little blessings God gives you because you might not have them on Earth for much longer.  Yes, most of us have a future that is mapped out by our Creator, but some of have a much shorter road to travel.  There is a purpose behind everything God brings us to; and it's unexplainable, yet completely undeniable.  Sometimes people don't understand why God does the things He does, but sooner than later the puzzle pieces fit together perfectly.  Throughout these experiences I've learned to stop worrying about my future and pause to look for the signs and mercy that God lays in front of me.  My beautiful God has created an infinite amount of  wonders and it's time that I stop to notice them.  God deserves our appreciation and worship every minute of our lives, and who am I to spend my life worrying about what will eventually lay itself out?  As of right now, I want my life to be a blazing offering and that all of my actions glorify God.  Every time that I find myself in a state of desperation and failure, I seek Him and pray for my heart to be softened to enable a change in my outlook and understanding.   

"Our praying, however, needs to be pressed and pursued with an energy that never tires, a persistency which will not be denied, and a courage which never fails."

Thomas Scott Messina
February 3, 1995 - March 21, 2010

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