Tuesday, June 1, 2010

There You'll Be

There will always be that person, or few people, that stay with you through life as you go through different scenarios.  They may not always be there physically beside you, but what they taught you, and how you feel about them will always follow you.  Obviously you know how you feel about them.  But do they know how you feel?

Love.  It's not a word to throw around.  It's delicate.  You can love someone pretty easily, but when you love someone, you love all of them.  Not pieces of them, ALL of them -  the good and the bad.  If you don't love all of them, you're throwing the word around, end of story.  Being in love with someone and loving something are two totally different things.  I think the two are easily confused.  Take middle school - high school relationships for example...  Yeah, I completely agree that you can love a boy, or love a girl at this age.  Hands down.  But the other day I heard this girl on the phone in a store and she said, "Yeah, I'm soo in love with him, but he went out with that girl in Tennessee once, so I think he's cheating on me..."  I literally put down the adorable pair of shoes I was looking at and turned around to look at her.  All I could think was, "Are you serious? Like did I REALLY just hear that?"  I would have been ok if she said she loved him, but she said she was IN love with him.  So you're saying that you are in love with someone that you don't trust?  That can't be possible.  If God is love, and God is trust, and God is light... then love goes hand - in - hand with trust, and love can create an amazing light around your life.  If love has so much power, why is it thrown around?  I think loving people becomes a habit.  We are taught from childhood to love people and be sweet.  It is SO easy to be like "aw, I love her. She's really sweet," and then think inside, "oh my gosh, she's such a slut."  You'd be better of just not saying you love them in the first place instead of lying to yourself.  Just be honest.  Honesty opens room for change.  You can find love through change.  It's ok to change.  It's TOTALLY ok to change.  That's why I think it's hard to be "in love" when you're so young.  Think about the middle of middle school - mid to late years of high school.  Think about how much you have changed - spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally.  Everyone is looking for some type of person.  That type is guaranteed to change as your outlook changes through life.  I'll probably change types three or four more times until I find exactly what I want.  But, really, you don't need a type.  I think you'll know when you find what God intends for you to find.  I'm just saying that I'm tired of hearing the word thrown around.  Only use it when you really mean it, seriously.  Don't use it as a fake saying to make yourself seem like you like everybody, don't use it to lure people in, don't lie about it.  You either love someone, or you don't - it's simple.  But...  Love vs. IN love.  I'm not quite sure where the thin line is...  But I do know that when you are in love with someone, you would give everything to be with them, and you're in it forever.  Jesus could quite possibly be the only example of truly being in love.  "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8.  Of course, we should love... Just make sure you do it whole - heartedly.

The real point of this was to say that I hate trying to get through to people that you honestly do love.  You see through their faults and look at their intentions and potential.  THAT is love.  But what do you do when they won't believe you?  All I can do is be patient and wait for them to open their eyes are realize that love is all around them.  When you love someone, if you truly loved them, you always will love them, ALWAYS.

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